Political guest blogs can be searched online by using search queries like:
Here is a list of the best political guest sites with high DA and traffic. Use these Government Blogs to build High-Quality Backlinks for your Effective SEO Strategy.
N | URL | DR | Traffic |
1 | https://naturalnews.com/ | 82 | 5 000 000 |
2 | https://www.newsbreak.com/ | 82 | 28 000 000 |
3 | https://www.chalkbeat.org/ | 79 | 328 000 |
4 | https://citylimits.org/ | 75 | 85 000 |
5 | https://uniindia.com/ | 75 | 207 000 |
6 | https://mydifferencebetween.com/ | 72 | 2 000 |
7 | https://newzz.in/ | 71 | 1 000 |
8 | https://www.newsanyway.com/ | 68 | 22 000 |
9 | https://www.sanremonews.it/ | 66 | 1 000 000 |
10 | https://canadanewsmedia.ca/ | 64 | 7 000 |
11 | https://maliweb.net/ | 64 | 235 000 |
12 | https://thedailyguardian.com/ | 64 | 234 000 |
13 | https://corrierenazionale.it/ | 63 | 128 000 |
14 | http://marketoracle.co.uk/ | 62 | 15 000 |
15 | https://www.theglobaldispatch.com/ | 59 | 2 000 |
16 | https://www.sire.gov.co | 59 | 260 000 |
17 | https://www.pmldaily.com/ | 58 | 4 000 |
18 | https://consciouslifenews.com/ | 58 | 1 000 |
19 | https://www.ghanaiantimes.com.gh/ | 57 | 14 000 |
20 | https://theindiasaga.com/ | 56 | 69 000 |
21 | https://cityofkozani.gov.gr | 56 | 8 000 |
22 | https://exposednews.co.uk/ | 54 | 1 000 |
23 | https://prescottenews.com/ | 54 | 12 000 |
24 | https://camer.be/ | 54 | 324 000 |
25 | https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/ | 53 | 116 000 |
26 | https://stationzilla.com/ | 53 | 10 000 |
27 | https://www.idiger.gov.co/ | 53 | 100 000 |
28 | https://www.latestnigeriannews.com/ | 52 | 119 000 |
29 | https://petel.bg/ | 52 | 9 000 000 |
30 | https://www.luinonotizie.it/ | 52 | 143 000 |
31 | https://www.lavocedigenova.it/ | 52 | 145 000 |
32 | https://techduffer.com/ | 51 | 47 000 |
33 | https://www.elancasti.com.ar/ | 51 | 2Đś |
34 | https://stiri.botosani.ro/ | 50 | 15 000 |
35 | https://infogate.cl/ | 50 | 47 000 |
36 | https://firstindia.co.in/ | 50 | 15 000 |
37 | https://southernafrican.news/ | 50 | 2 000 |
38 | https://elheraldodesaltillo.mx/ | 49 | 153 000 |
39 | https://salerno.occhionotizie.it/ | 48 | 60 000 |
40 | https://www.gazetadambovitei.ro/ | 47 | 125 000 |
41 | https://www.lcarscom.net/ | 47 | 2 000 |
42 | https://thebritaintimes.co.uk/ | 47 | 3 000 |
43 | https://upvidhansabhaproceedings.gov.in/ | 47 | 11 000 |
44 | https://london-tv.co.uk/ | 46 | 33 000 |
45 | https://www.diariodepozuelo.es/ | 46 | 3 000 |
46 | https://goodwordnews.com/ | 45 | 5 000 |
47 | https://cvlpress.ro/ | 45 | 57 000 |
48 | https://www.diariodaamazonia.com.br/ | 45 | 75 000 |
49 | https://aquiacontece.com.br/ | 45 | 76 000 |
50 | https://www.lagazzettadimassaecarrara.it/ | 45 | 3 000 |
51 | https://nonstop-news.com/ | 44 | 5 000 |
52 | https://www.webpressglobal.com/ | 44 | 1 000 |
53 | https://biznakenya.com/ | 44 | 217 000 |
54 | https://novinata.bg/ | 44 | 58 000 |
55 | https://www.lavocedialba.it/ | 44 | 85 000 |
56 | https://www.watchdoguganda.com/ | 43 | 13 000 |
57 | https://gorjeanul.ro/ | 43 | 452 000 |
58 | https://info241.com/ | 43 | 160 000 |
59 | https://realpolitik.com.ar/ | 43 | 226 000 |
60 | https://novomomento.com.br/ | 43 | 156 000 |
61 | https://miputumayo.com.co/ | 43 | 29 000 |
62 | https://diarioalicante.es/ | 43 | 20 000 |
63 | https://ziaruldebacau.ro/ | 42 | 1 000 000 |
64 | https://www.7segundos.com.br/ | 42 | 202 000 |
65 | https://mesagerulneamt.ro/ | 41 | 146 000 |
66 | https://iasitvlife.ro/ | 40 | 44 000 |
67 | https://www.pandurul.ro/ | 40 | 613 000 |
68 | https://www.kerkyrasimera.gr/ | 40 | 134 000 |
69 | https://www.tgyou24.it/ | 40 | 7 000 |
70 | https://www.rondoniadinamica.com/ | 40 | 138 000 |
71 | https://www.magazinsalajean.ro/ | 39 | 133 000 |
72 | https://www.citypeopleonline.com/ | 39 | 13 000 |
73 | https://www.imperianews.it/ | 38 | 130 000 |
74 | https://www.savoirnews.net/ | 36 | 4 000 |
75 | https://www.newsgroove.co.uk/ | 35 | 15 000 |
76 | https://bihorstiri.ro/ | 35 | 9 000 |
77 | https://www.indonewyork.com/ | 35 | 15 000 |
78 | https://www.adiantegalicia.es/ | 35 | 90 000 |
79 | https://www.gazzettinonline.it/ | 35 | 235 000 |
80 | https://www.binews.it/ | 35 | 12 000 |
81 | https://www.allhecker.com/ | 34 | 25 000 |
82 | https://afriquemedia.tv/ | 34 | 48 000 |
83 | https://irshadgul.com/ | 34 | 3 000 |
84 | https://thepressunited.com/ | 33 | 16 000 |
85 | https://incomod-media.ro/ | 33 | 13 000 |
86 | https://dib.com.ar/ | 33 | 81 000 |
87 | https://www.scrivolibero.it/ | 33 | 8 000 |
88 | https://monitorulneamt.ro/ | 32 | 24 000 |
89 | https://newsknol.com/ | 32 | 1 000 |
90 | https://www.ilmonito.it/ | 32 | 8 000 |
91 | https://puntoagronews.it/ | 32 | 81 000 |
92 | https://voceavalcii.ro/ | 31 | 43 000 |
93 | https://todayheadlinenews.com/ | 31 | 2 000 |
94 | https://www.extraderondonia.com.br/ | 31 | 3 000 000 |
95 | https://portaltvcariri.com.br/ | 31 | 14 000 |
96 | https://latin-american.news/ | 31 | 40 000 |
97 | https://simplenews.co.uk/ | 30 | 7 000 |
98 | https://redesteptarea.ro/ | 30 | 15 000 |
99 | https://www.e-suceava.ro/ | 30 | 9 000 |
100 | https://www.gazetedemokrat.com/ | 30 | 1 000 |